Benefits of Cauliflower
Cauliflower is loaded with benefits! It is high in fiber and choline and supplies an abundance of antioxidants. It can help with weight loss, to reduce your blood pressure, strengthen your bones and immune system, and helps prevent cancer.
Benefits & Effects of Cauliflower
Vitamins & Nutrients found in Cauliflower (Click for details)
For best results, fresh, organic foods are recommended.
Foods are most nutritious in their raw form, unless heating is required.
Food sources are recommended over supplements, but in the event you must use supplements, be sure to purchase them from a reputable source. In the U.S., supplements are not regulated by the FDA.
"Everything in moderation" is a good rule of thumb. Don't shock your system by eating dozens of apples (or anything) in one day. A balanced, yet varied diet is the goal.
As with medicine, there are no guarantees. Preventative steps can help prevent illness and possibly prolong lives, but there are many contributing factors and variables which can sometimes produce unexpected results.
Do research and consult your physician before making any serious changes to your diet or taking supplements. Discuss any allergies or concerns you may have. If you are taking any prescriptions or medications, this is especially important.
The information presented here is based on my research and years of note-taking. What started as a short list of cures for friends and family has grown into a full and very complex database, yet is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of eating healthy foods. This list is a work in progress and by no means complete. My goal is to help people suffering from various ailments, with a secondary goal of spreading the news about the miraculous healing power of foods. Use this information as a launchpad into your new healthy life.
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