1 min

1897 Horse Thief Detector

Updated: Jan 23, 2021

I learned about an interesting occupation while searching the newspapers for my great-grandfather, Charles Decker. This is from the Newburgh Register, Newburgh, NY, July 7, 1897:

Horse Thief at Walden, Newburgh Register, Newburgh, NY, July 7, 1897


Horse Thief at Walden.
J. V. Decker, president of the Walden Horse Thief Detecting association, this morning spent the following message to the chief of police: Look for light bay horse, weight 1,030 pounds, white hind ankles, white around front hoofs, red gear sidebar top wagon, one bow broken, tied with string. Man 5 feet 10 inches, weight 200 pounds, dark complexion, small moustache, scar on forehead, wore dark suit of clothes. He was a railroad man.

#notablenews #stolenhorse #horsethief #newburgh #JVDecker #JohnDecker #Walden #NewYork
