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In search of my ancestor Russell Leonard who married Sophronia Burrill, I came across this similar match worth noting. It was found in a book called "Descendants of Joseph Loomis in America, and his antecedents in the Old World", by Elias Loomis, 1909, p. 214, the following information is given:
951. Wait Loomis, b. Torrington, Conn., Nov. 23, 1765; m. Nov., 1796, Sarah Stone, d. Sept. 25, 1845, ae. 77. Served in Am. Rev. under Gen. Harmer, and d. at Winchester, Conn., Feb. 25, 1849. 1 ch'd, b. Winchester.
2420 Sophronia, b. Dec. 28, 1800; m. Mch 1, 1827, George Leonard.
Sophronia's Wikitree page is found here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Loomis-3412