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New Hampshire Genealogical Record Vol 1-7

Updated: May 30, 2022

The New Hampshire Genealogical Record contains loads of information about its former inhabitants and many photographs of places which may not remain today.

Volume 1 [Read] 1904 -

Book notices, Devon and Cornwall Record Society, Donations, Dover tax rate 1648, Durham Genealogical Records, births, marriages, and deaths, Friends records at Dover, monthly meeting, marriages, index of persons, town tax 1720, The N.H. Genealogical Society, New Jersey's indebtedness to New Hampshire, Portsmouth Genealogical Records, Strawberry Bank Landgrants and Deeds, Subscription lists, gravestone inscriptions at Point of Graves cemetery, Rye Genealogical Records, Stratham Genealogical Records, and a few photographs.

Volume 2 [Read] 1905 -

American Revolutionary Naval Service, The Continental Frigate Raleigh, Book notices, David Thompson's Indenture, Donations, Friends Records at N.H. Monthly meeting, family records, marriages, Gravestone inscriptions, N.H. Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Hampton Town Records, baptisms and births, Index of persons, Inscriptions on gravestone of Hon. Ezra Green, Kingston First Church Records, admissions, baptisms, deaths, marriages, Kingston families 1725, New Castle Genealogical Records, births, marriages and deaths, Members of N.H. Genealogical Society, Newington Church Records, marriages, Portsmouth Genealogical Records, Gravestone inscriptions in Point of Graves Cemetery, Portsmouth Landgrants and Surveys, Portsmouth town officers, town clerks, selectmen, queries, Rye Genealogical Records, births, marriages and deaths, Stratham Genealogical Records, births, marriages and deaths

Volume 3 [Read] 1906 -

A letter from Rev. Joseph Gerrish, Allotment of Seats in the Meeting-House, Portsmouth, N.H., 1693, American Revolutionary Naval Service, The Continental Frigate Raleigh, Book notices, donations, Epping town records births, marriages and deaths, Friends Records, Dover, N.H. Monthly Meeting, Family Records, Index of Names, In Memorium Rev. Myron Samuel Dudley, Journal of Rev. John Pike, 1678-1709, Kingston First Church Records, Kingston Deaths, Kingston Marriages, New Hampshire Genealogical Society, Newington Church Records, North Church Records, Portsmouth, N.H., List of Members, Admissions to the Church 1693-1697, North Church Baptisms, List of Members 1699, Parish Register Society of Dublin, Piscataqua Pioneers, Queries, Rye Genealogical Records (Births, Marriages, Deaths), Wants.

Volume 4 [Read] 1907 - American Revolutionary Naval Service, Launching of the continental frigate Raleigh, The continental frigate Boston, draft of report of Capt. Hector McNeil, Officers belonging to the Continental Frigate Boston, Extracts from the Journal of Benjamin Crowningshield, book notices, Epping Town Records, First Congregational Church Records at Rochester NH, Marriages by Rev. Amos Main 1745-1757, Marriages by Rev. Joseph Haven 1776-1824, Friends Records at Dover Monthly Meeting, Family Records, Index of names, In memoriam of William Trickey Wentworth, Kingston First Church Records, Kingston Marriages, Legislation, Marriages by Rev. John Osborne Lee, Marriages by Rev. John Pike in Dover and vicinity 1686-1709, Newington Church Records, Baptisms, North Church Records, List of Members 1699 concluded, Baptisms, Reward offered, Stratham Genealogical Records, The Trail and Spence Families of Portsmouth, NH.

Volume 5 [Read] 1908 -

American Revolutionary Naval Service, New Hampshire Privateers, Book notices, corrections, Epping town records, Family records of Richard Hussey, First Congregational Church Records, Rochester, NH, marriages by Rev. Joseph Haven continued, Friends Records at Dover Monthly Meeting, Family Records, Index of names, In Memoriam of Charles Gale Foster, Hon. Charles Henry Sawyer, Hon. James Albert Edgerly, and Hon. Charles Woodbury Bickford, Kingston First Church Records, Kingston Marriages, Baptisms by Rev. Joseph Secomb, Newington Church Records, North Church Records, Residence of the Canney family, Sarah Burnham, daughter of Robert of Oyster River, Some errors in Howard's Genealogy of the Cutts family, Stratham Genealogical Records,

Volume 6 [Read] 1909 - Book notices, corrections, Epping town records, First Congregational Church at Rochester NH records, Friends Records, George Huntress of Portsmouth and Newington, NH and his descendants, Index of names, In memoriam of Hon. Noah Tebbetts, Inscriptions from the Waldron Cemetery in Dover, Kingston First Church Records, Library of the NH Genealogical Society, Newmarket town records, North Church Records, Richard Hussey and his descendants, the Rev. Hugh Adams and Family, Thomas Downes of Dover and his descendants.

Volume 7 [Read] 1910 Jan and April - Richard Hussey and his descendants (third generation), corrections, North Church of Portsmouth records, First Congregational Church of Concord records 1730-1905, First Congregational Church Records of Rochester NH, In memorial of George Frederick Evans and Col. Henry Oakes Kent, Newmarket Town Records (births, marriages and deaths), the origin of the name Pinkham, Thomas Downes of Dover and his descendants cont'd, Newmarket town records, cont'd, First Congregational Church of Concord records 1730-1905, North Church of Portsmouth records cont'd, In memoriam of Henry Rust Parker, First Congregational Church at Rochester NH records, Admissions to church at Rochester, Book notices.


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