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History of Texas

History of Texas, Volumes 1-4.

Vol. I. Contents/Index/Introductory

Vol. I. Chapter II. Colonization by Americans

Vol. I. Chapter III. The colonization system

Vol. I. Chapter IV. The Fredonian War

Vol. I. Chapter V. General survey of the Texas colonies

Vol. I. Chapter VI. F. W. Johnsons reminiscences

Vol. I. Chapter VII. Federal relations

Vol. I. Chapter VIII. Conventions of 1832-33

Vol. I. Chapter IX. Austins mission

Vol. I. Chapter X. State of Coahuila-Texas, 1833-35

Vol. I. Chapter XI. Fall of Anahuac

Vol. I. Chapter XII. The struggle between conservatives and the war party

Vol. I. Chapter XIII. Battle of Gonzales

Vol. I. Chapter XIV. The consultation of 1835

Vol. I. Chapter XV. The provisional government

Vol. I. Chapter XVI. The capture of San Antonio

Vol. I. Chapter XVII. The Matamoras expedition and the quarrel between the governor and the General Council

Vol. I. Chapter XVIII. The Declaration of Independence and the establishment of the republic

Vol. I. Chapter XIX. The fall of the Alamo

Vol. I. Chapter XX. Johnson and Grant and Fannin

Vol. I. Chapter XXI. San Jacinto campaign

Vol. I. Chapter XXII. The Republic of Texas

Vol. I. Chapter XXIII. The transition from republic to state

Vol. I. Chapter XXIV. Texas in the Mexican War

Vol. I. Chapter XXV. The Texas-New Mexico boundary

Vol. I. Chapter XXVI. The public debt

Vol. I. Chapter XXVII. Prosperity and progress, 1846-1860

Vol. I. Chapter XXVIII. Border and frontier troubles, 1849-1860

Vol. I. Chapter XXIX. Politics, 1851-1860

Vol. I. Chapter XXX. Secession

Vol. I. Chapter XXXI. Texas in the war

Vol. I. Chapter XXXII. Reconstruction

Vol. I. Chapter XXXIII. Radical rule and its overthrow

Vol. II. Front matter

Vol. II. Title page

Vol. II. Chapter XXXIV. After war and reconstruction

Vol. II. Chapter XXXV. Men and measures

Vol. II. Chapter XXXVI. Railroad building and general development

Vol. II. Chapter XXXVII. Public highways

Vol. II. Chapter XXXVIII. The live stock industry

Vol. II. Chapter XXXIX. Mineral resources

Vol. II. Chapter XL. Petroleum

Vol. II. Chapter XLI. Timber and lumber

Vol. II. Chapter XLII. Irrigation

Vol. II. Chapter XLIII. The South Plains of the Texas Panhandle

Vol. II. Chapter XLIV. Public instruction

Vol. II. Chapter XLV. Fort Worth beginnings

Vol. II. Chapter XLVI. Fort Worth becomes a city

Vol. II. Chapter XLVII. Educational facilities

Vol. II. Chapter XLVIII. Public service organizations

Vol. II. Chapter XLIX. The courts, bench and bar

Vol. II. Chapter L. Institutions and organizations

Vol. II. Chapter LI. Fort Worth industries

Vol. II. Chapter LII. War activities of Fort Worth

Vol. II. Chapter LIII. Pioneers and builders

Vol. II. The Texas Northwest county subdivisions

Vol. II. Reminiscences

Vol. III. Title page

Vol. III. Front matter

Vol. III. Fort Worth and the Texas Northwest

Vol. IV. Title page

Vol. IV. Front matter

Vol. IV. Fort Worth and the Texas Northwest


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