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1845 Directory of Sheffield, Yorkshire, England

Updated: Feb 3, 2019

For a peek at life in early nineteenth century Sheffield, take a look at this:

General directory of the town and borough of Sheffield : with Rotherham, Chesterfield, and all the parishes, townships. villages, and hamlets within a circuit of twelve miles round the capital of Hallamshire including a variety of statistical and commercial information, shewing the population and extent of each parish and union their churches, chapels, charities, public institutions, and officers; the Arrival and Departure of the mails, Coaches, Railway Trains, and Carriers; and a Variety of other Useful information, including a copy of the charter of Incorporation and bye-laws of the Borough of Sheffield

by White, William, of Sheffield, Published 1845

John Dickinson, born in 1830 in Masbro, was a son of William and Ann Dickinson. They lived in Sheffield before coming to America abt. 1880. William Dickinson is named in this book. Click here to see more about my Dickinson family.


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