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Dog Dies of Broken Heart

Updated: Jan 23, 2021

My great-grandmother had a little dog named Buster, who was her sidekick and faithful companion for many years. I remember her demonstrating Buster's skills and dedication during one of my visits to her home in upstate New York as a young girl.

Buster Reese in 1970

"Say Mama!", she commanded.

"Rara", Buster replied obediently and with authority.

When Great-Grandma died in 1988, Buster died very soon after, within days, from what I remember. I was told he died from a broken heart. Loyal to the end, his purpose had been fulfilled, bringing joy and happiness to his loving master.

While writing this, I dug out Great-Grandma's photo album, searching for a picture of Buster. I found this one, dated Nov. 1970, which I believe is Buster!

It's funny how those brief moments of happy memories come back to the surface after many years.

I was reminded of Buster recently when I saw this sad story published in the New York Sun, October 23, 1936.

New York Sun, October 23, 1936

Dog Dies of Broken Heart

Kennett, Mo., (UP) - An 11-year-old rat terrier owned by Mrs. U. A. Presnell died when the boy who play with the dog moved from here. The dog refused to eat.

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