"Wednesday evening, Oct. 14, Mr. A. T. Decker, teacher of our public school, was united in marriage to Miss May, daughter of our pastor, Rev. W. A. Webster. The Rev. H. B. Edwards performed the ceremony." - Warwick Dispatch 10-22-1885
"The Charges Sustained - The charges against the Rev. H. B. Edwards, of "unchristian and unministerial conduct," brought by Rev. W. R. Webster, of Sugar Loaf, for marrying the daughter of the latter to Albert T. Decker, Oct. 14 last, without her parents' knowledge or consent, were sustanined to-day by decision of the clergy and laymen before whom the case came up. The penalty - a nomenal one - is that Mr. Edwards be suspended from and deprived of his ministerial functions and privileges for the period of six months." - Warwick Dispatch 12-30-1885

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