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Biography of Philip Shaner

Philip Shaner was a son of Jacob Shaner, Sr., and brother of my ancestor, Jacob Shaner, Jr. His complete biography can be found in “The Biographical Record of Henry County, Illinois”, by S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1901, p. 377-379, from which the following excerpt is taken:

“PHILIP SHANER, The subject of this review is one of the oldest and most honored citizens of Henry county, his home being on section 27, Wethersfield township. Years of quiet usefulness and a life in which the old fashioned virtues of sobriety, industry and integrity are exemplified have a simple beauty that no words can portray. Youth has its charms, but an honorable and honored old age, to which the lengthening years have added dignity and sweetness, has a brighter radiance, as if some ray from the life beyond already rested upon it. Mr. Shaner was born in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, April 14, 1814, and is a son of Jacob Shaner, a native of Germany, who came to America with his parents when a young man of nineteen years and settled in Pennsylvania, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was married near Philadelphia, and reared his family upon a farm. On leaving the old homestead at the age of seventeen years, Philip Shaner went to Cattaraugus county, New York, where he worked upon a farm for a few years, and while there he was married January 18, 1835, the lady of his choice being Miss Melinda Jackson.”

The biography continues to explain that Philip moved west in 1838, “by team, the journey occupying about a month. He located in what is now Stark County, Illinois”, and had ten children. Click here to read more.

Philip's name was found in another source as well. In the book "Sketches of Wethersfield township, 1836-1925", by Frank H. Craig, 1926, pages 65-66, the following excerpt is copied:


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