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Early settlers of New York State, their ancestors and descendants

Updated: Feb 3, 2019

So many valuable records are compiled in this monthly magazine, "Early Settlers of New York State". This genealogical magazine is packed with tidbits about early New Yorkers. Links to each issue are listed below. Notice, some lists are divided among multiple issues, so check previous and subsequent issues for continuations. This excerpt shows some of the records divided between multiple issues. (From p. 18 of Vol. 3 No. 2):

Hint: Open each issue and use the search feature! But be sure to browse the subjects/places of interest in case your text is not correctly recognized.

Volume 1 - July 1934 No. 1 - Dates and Boundaries - Personals of Long Ago, Early settlers of LeRoy or Buttermilk Falls - The Bartoo Family - Early Church Records in Bloomfield, Ontario County, NY - Obituary Records of Erie County, Abbott thru Adams - Tombstone inscriptions of Oakfield, NY

Volume 1 - August 1934 No. 2 - Dates and Boundaries - The Records of an 1816 Merchant, John S. Ball - Personals of Long ago (Bloomfield, NY) - The Bartoo Family - Early Church Records - Obituary Records of Erie County, Adams thru Allen - Tombstone inscriptions of Oakfield, NY

Volume 1 - September 1934 No. 3 - Dates and Boundaries - Personals of Long Ago (Southampton) - The Bartoo Family - Early Church Records of West Bloomfield - Obituary Records of Erie County, Allen thru Athearn - Tombstone inscriptions of Oakfield, NY

Volume 1 - October 1934 No. 4 - A Picture of New York in 1765 - Dates and boundaries - The Records of an 1816 Erie County merchant, John S. Ball - Personals of Long Ago - Early Church Records, Baptisms at West Bloomfield, NY - Obituary Records of Erie County, Atkins thru Baker - Tombstone inscriptions Alleghany Road Cemetery Darien, Genesee County, New York

Volume 1 - November 1934 No. 5 - Ray family Bible Records - Records of an 1816 merchant, John S. Ball of Erie County - Baptisms in the church at West Bloomfield, N.Y. - The Bartoo family - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Baker thru Barrett - Tombstone inscriptions on Ketchum farm cemetery near Pen Yan - Burials at Hillside Cemetery, East Pembroke, NY

Volume 1 - December 1934 No. 6 - Dates and Boundaries - Baptisms in the church at West Bloomfield 1819-1878 and Marriages 1816-1819 - The Bartoo family - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Barrett thru Baurmeister - Old Bible Records of the Millington-Blackmer family - Cemetery inscriptions at Hillside Cemetery, East Pembroke, NY - Wallingford Cemetery, Vermont - Asa Wetherbee family - Caleb Haight inquiry - Lewis Youman family - James Madison Hopkins family

Volume 1 - January 1935 No. 7 - Marriages at West Bloomfield, NY, 1819-1837 - The Bartoo Family - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Baxter thru Bement - Cemetery inscriptions at Hillside Cemetery, East Pembroke, NY - The Story of Maple Hill Cemetery, North Darien, NY - Maple Hill Cemetery Burial Records - Descendants of William Hickock of Farmington, CT

Volume 1 - February 1935 No. 8 - George Washington and the Seneca Chiefs - Records of an 1816 merchant - Deaths in West Bloomfield, NY 1800-1823 - The Bartoon Family - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Bement thru Bickerstaff - Tombstone Inscriptions Maple Hill Cemetery

Volume 1 - March 1935 No. 9 - Records of an 1816 merchant - Deaths at West Bloomfield, NY 1823-1880 - Tombstone Inscriptions Maple Hills Cemetery - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Bidwell thru Booram - The Bartoo family - Random burials in Newark and Sodus, NY - Searching Lesson 1

Volume 1 - April 1935 No. 10 - The Queen of the Earth is the Land of My Birth - Searching Lesson 2 - Records of an 1816 merchant - Church Records of West Bloomfield, NY - The Bartoo family (final chapter) - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Boorham thru Brightman - Tombstone Inscriptions Maple Hills Cemetery

Volume 1 - May 1935 No. 11 - Searching Lesson 3 - Records of an 1816 merchant - Church Records of West Bloomfield, NY - Stickney Cemetery west of North Collins, Erie County, NY - Loomis Bible Records - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Brimmer thru Brown - Tombstone Inscriptions Maple Hills Cemetery

Volume 1 - June 1935 No. 12 - Church Records of West Bloomfield, NY - Records from Granville, New York - Burials at Greenhouse Cemetery in Hopewell, NY - A Temperance Society in Newstead in 1831 - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Brown thru Burns - Marriages from early Buffalo Newspapers, Abby thru Abbott - Tombstone Inscriptions at Maple Hills Cemetery, North Darien, NY

Volume 2 - July 1935 No. 1 - Heraldry - Early Church Records West Bloomfield (?) - Records from Granville, New York - Ear Marks Registered in 1787 - Barnet and other burials at a private cemetery in Rensselaer County - Deaths in Scott, Cortland County, New York - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Burns thru Candee - Marriages from early Buffalo Newspapers, Abbott thru Adams - Tombstone Inscriptions at Maple Hills Cemetery, North Darien, NY

Volume 2 - August 1935 No. 2 - Early Church Records of West Bloomfield, NY - Deaths in New York from the Gospel Advocate, Vol. 11, 1831 - Tombstone Inscriptions at Maple Hills Cemetery, North Darien, NY - Soldiers Graves in Maple Hill Cemetery at Darien - Records from Granville, New York - Ear Marks Registered - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Candler thru Chamberlain - Marriages from early Buffalo Newspapers, Adams thru Albro - David Smith of Montrose, Pennsylvania - Samuel Smith of Spencertown, Columbia County, NY - Benjamin Slocum 1751-1837

Volume 2 - September 1935 No. 3 - Early Church Records of Elder Nathan Tanner's Church at Bottenkill, now Greenwich, NY, prior to 1815 - The First Church of Christ in Perry Center Members and Baptisms 1814-1829 - Old Trails (Indian trails) - Tombstone inscriptions at the Old Presbyterian Churchyard at New Scotland, New York - Records from Granville, New York - Maple Hill Cemetery Records (Russell Wait, John Simonds, Owen Curtiss, William B. Garfield, David Halsted, Jonathan Vaughan, Charles Brown, Benjamin F. Corey, John H. Innes and Deacon Harvey H. Crossman bios) - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Chambers thru Chase - Marriages from early Buffalo Newspapers, Albro thru Allerey

Volume 2 - October 1935 No. 4 - Early Church Records North Granville, New York - Baptisms in the First Church of Christ, Perry Center 1830-1876 - Early Church Records of Elder Nathan Tanner's Church at Bottenkill, now Greenwich, NY, 1815 thru 1829 - Old Trails - Monroe Family Bible - Gidley Family Bible - Tombstone inscriptions at Nortonville Cemetery, Pittstown, Rensselaer County, NY - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Chase thru Clark - Marriages from early Buffalo Newspapers, Allen thru Allen - Horton Genealogy

Volume 2 - November 1935 No. 5 - North Granville Church Records - Baptisms in the First Church of Christ, Perry Center 1878-1894 - Early Church Records of Elder Nathan Tanner's Church at Bottenkill, now Greenwich, NY - Old Trails - Willson Family Bible - Keach or Keech Bible - Young family Bible - Tompkins family Bible - Tombstone Inscriptions at German Evangelical Protestant Cemetery, Hursville - Tombstone inscriptions at Pine Bush Presbyterian Church and others - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Clark thru Clay - Marriages from early Buffalo Newspapers, Allen thru Alward

Volume 2 - December 1935 No. 6 - North Granville Church Records - Minutes and Members of the First Church of Christ, Perry, Center - Members of Bottenkill Church from 1829-1841 - Old Trails (From "The Cradle of the Queen City") - Landon Family Bible inscriptions - Fellows Family Bible inscriptions - Holmes Family Bible inscriptions - Tombstone Inscriptions "in the pasture on the hill" and others (cont'd from previous issue?) - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Clement thru Cogger - Marriages from early Buffalo Newspapers, Alworth thru Andrews

Volume 2 - January 1936 No. 7 - North Granville Church Records - Members of the First Church of Christ, Perry Center 1829-1834 - Members of Bottenkill Church from 1841-1844 - Old Trails (From "The Cradle of the Queen City") - Landon Family Bible inscriptions - Sackett Family Bible inscriptions - Tombstone Inscriptions in private cemeteries in Rensselaer County - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Cogswell thru Conkey - Marriage Records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Andrews thru Archer

Volume 2 - February 1936 No. 8 - North Granville Church Records - Members of the First Church of Christ, Perry, Center - Sackett Family Bible inscriptions (cont'd from previous issue) - Enos Van Gorden Sackett Family Bible inscriptions - William Wychkoff's Bible Record - Tombstone Inscriptions Rensselaer County - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Conkey thru Cotton - Marriage Records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Archer thru Ashley

Volume 2 - March 1936 - No. 9 - North Granville Church Records - Members of the First Church of Christ, Perry, Center - Members of Bottenkill Church from 1844-1850 - Marriages by Rev. Jonathan Benson 1833-1850 - Tombstone inscriptions Brick House Cemetery, Genesee County (Old Buffalo Road, Pembroke) - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Courtney thru Crow - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Ashley thru Atwater

Volume 2 - April 1936 No. 10 - North Granville Church Records - First Congregational Church of Bennington, Vermont - Members of the First Church of Christ, Perry, Center 1881-1899 - Members of Bottenkill Church 1850 - Bible Records copied by Grace Keeler - Griswold Family Bible inscriptions - Crittenden Family Bible inscriptions - Moses Harris (1749-1838) burial marker information - Abraham and Edward Wing, pioneers of Queensbury - Tombstone inscriptions Brick House Cemetery, Genesee County (Old Buffalo Road, Pembroke) - Tombstone inscriptions Lake View Cemetery, Olcott, Niagara County - Methodist Cemetery, Olcott, Niagara County - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Crow thru Darrow - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Atwater thru Avery

Volume 2 - May 1936 No. 11 - First Congregational Church of Bennington, Vermont - Members of the Perry Center Woman's Missionary Society - Members of Bottenkill (Now Greenwich) Church 1850 - Organization of the Baptist Church at Howells, New York - Tombstone Inscriptions in Ithaca, Flemming and Scipio Center - Tombstone Inscriptions in Newington, Connecticut - Tombstone Inscriptions in Methodist Cemetery, Olcott, Niagara County, New York - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Darrow thru Day - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Avery thru Ayres

Volume 2 - June 1936 No. 12 - Members of the First Congregational Church of Bennington, Vermont beginning in 1762 - Members of Old School Baptist Church at Howells, NY from 1826 thru 1870s - Copies of Old Perry Center Papers - Tombstone Inscriptions in New Berlin, Connecticut - Tombstone Inscriptions in Methodist Cemetery, Olcott, Niagara County, New York (cont'd) - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Day thru De Vine - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Ayres thru Bailey

Volume 3 - July 1936 No. 1 - Members of the First Congregational Church of Bennington, Vermont beginning in 1762 (cont'd) - Marriages in Old School Baptist Church at Howells, NY - Baptisms at Old School Baptist Church at Howells, NY - Deaths recorded at Old School Baptist Church at Howells, NY - Presbyterian Church at Good Will, Orange County, New York - Records copied from Henry and Lucy Saxtons' family Bible, Records copied from Richard Saxton's family Bible, Records copied from Stephen T. Bentley's family Bible, Tombstone inscriptions in Rensselaer County - Burials in cemetery at Dale, Wyoming County - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Dewel thru Dobbin - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Bailey thru Baker

Volume 3 - August 1936 No. 2 - Members of the First Congregational Church of Bennington, Vermont beginning in 1762 (cont'd) - Marriages at Presbyterian Church at Good Will, Orange County, New York (cont'd) - Members of North Baptist Church of Troy, NY - Revolutionary Soldiers still living in 1840 - Tombstone inscriptions at Pioneer Cemetery at Forestville, Chautauqua County, New York - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Dodd thru Dunakin- Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Baker thru Ballantine

Volume 3 - September 1936 No. 3 - Members of the First Congregational Church of Bennington, Vermont beginning in 1762 (cont'd) - Marriages and burials at Presbyterian Church at Good Will, Orange County, New York (cont'd) - North Baptist Church of Troy, NY - Records from family Bible of Anna Insley - Tombstone inscriptions at Pioneer Cemetery at Forestville, Chautauqua County, New York (cont'd) - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Dunbar thru Eberhart - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Ballard thru Bantam

Volume 3 - October 1936 No. 4 - Early Settlers Columbia County - Members of the First Congregational Church of Bennington, Vermont beginning in 1762 (cont'd) - Baptisms at Presbyterian Church at Good Will, Orange County, New York - North Baptist Church of Troy, NY - Blackmer Bible Records - Tombstone inscriptions at Pioneer Cemetery at Forestville, Chautauqua County, New York (cont'd) Jones thru Strang - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Eckley thru Emerson - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Bancasser thru Barlow

Volume 3 - November 1936 No. 5 - Members of the First Congregational Church of Bennington, Vermont beginning in 1762 (cont'd) Rice thru Yates - Presbyterian Church at Good Will, Orange County, New York (cont'd) - North Baptist Church of Troy, NY - Tombstone inscriptions at Pioneer Cemetery at Forestville, Chautauqua County, New York (cont'd) Stamp thru Washburn - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Emerson thru Faxon - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Barlow thru Barnes

Volume 3 - December 1936 No. 6 - Early Church Records of The First Baptist Church at Benton Center, Yates County, NY - Baptisms at Presbyterian Church at Good Will, Orange County, New York 1809-1814 - North Baptist Church of Troy, NY - Records from the Family Bible of Jasper P. Thompson's family - Tombstone inscriptions Lee Burying Ground, Washington County - Obituary records of former residents of Erie County, Faxon thru Fish - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Barnes thru Bassett

Volume 3 - January 1937 No. 7 - Early Church Records of The First Baptist Church at Benton Center, Yates County, NY (cont'd) Angus thru Bissell - Baptisms at Presbyterian Church at Good Will, Orange County, New York 1809-1814 (cont'd) - Members of the Presbyterian Church at Good Will, Orange County, New York - North Baptist Church of Troy, NY - Records from the Longyor Family Bible - Records from the Peebe Family Bible - Records from the Search Family Bible - Marriage records of the Brininstool and Hitchcock families - Tombstone Inscriptions from East Bloomfield, NY - Oak Ridge Cemetery at Lima, NY - Tombstone inscriptions at Claverack, Columbia County, New York - Obituary Records of former residents of Erie County, Fish thru Forbush - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Bassett thru Baylery

Volume 3 - February 1937 No. 8 - Early Church Records of The First Baptist Church at Benton Center, Yates County, NY (cont'd) Bliss thru Fish - Baptisms at the First Presbyterian Church of Albany - Some early marriages from the Records of the United Methodist Church at Hudson, New York - Blackmer family records - Tombstone inscriptions at Claverack, Columbia County, New York (cont'd) - Obituary Records of former residents of Erie County, Forbush thru Fox - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Bayley thru Beasor

Volume 3 - March 1937 No. 9 - Early Church Records of The First Baptist Church at Benton Center, Yates County, NY (cont'd) Fish thru Knapp - Baptisms at the First Presbyterian Church of Albany (cont'd) Boyd thru Churchill - Baptisms at First Presbyterian Church of Watertown, Jefferson County, NY Letters A-G - Records from Hart and Gorham family Bible - Records from Etheridge Family Bible - Tombstone inscriptions at Claverack, Columbia County, New York (cont'd) - Obituary Records of former residents of Erie County, Fox thru Freer - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Beaton thru Beckwith

Volume 3 - April 1937 No. 10 - Early Church Records of The First Baptist Church at Benton Center, Yates County, NY (cont'd) Knox thru Newell - Baptisms at the First Presbyterian Church of Albany (cont'd) Clark thru Erwin - Baptisms at First Presbyterian Church of Watertown, Jefferson County, NY Letters G-P - Family Bible of Elisha Webster Skinner - Tombstone inscriptions at Claverack, Columbia County, New York (cont'd) - Obituary Records of former residents of Erie County, French thru Gale - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Beckwith thru Beirne

Volume 3 - May 1937 No. 11 - Early Church Records of The First Baptist Church at Benton Center, Yates County, NY (cont'd) Newkirks thru Secor - Baptisms at the First Presbyterian Church of Albany (cont'd) Fassett thru Halkins - Baptisms at First Presbyterian Church of Watertown, Jefferson County, NY Letters P-Y - Marriages at First Presbyterian Church of Watertown, Jefferson County, NY Letters A-B - The Brown Family Bible - The Sherwood, Frost, Cogswell Bible - Tombstone inscriptions Hudson City Cemetery, Columbia County, New York - Obituary Records of former residents of Erie County, Gale thru Gilmber - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Beiser thru Belnap

Volume 3 - June 1937 No. 12 - Early Church Records of The First Baptist Church at Benton Center, Yates County, NY (cont'd) Secor thru Town - Baptisms at the First Presbyterian Church of Albany (cont'd) Hall thru Humphreys - Marriages at the First Presbyterian Church of Watertown, Jefferson County, NY Letters B-L - Records from the Winters family Bible - Tombstone inscriptions Hudson City Cemetery, Columbia County, New York - Obituary Records of former residents of Erie County, Gilmore thru Gott - Marriage records from Buffalo Newspapers 1800s, Beman thru Benedict

  • Index of Names (Explanation of index)

  • Bible records of Adams, Atwell, Avery, Baldwin, Banker, Barrett, Bassett, Beebe, Benn, Boyden, Bracket, Brevoort, Bruce, Burt, Butts, Came, Campbell, Chamberlain, Child, Clark, Cook, Cooley, Crawford, Cushman, Cushney, Dawley, Dell, Dewey, DeWitt, Dunning, DePuy, Evans, Farnham, Finton, Foote, Gillett, Griffith, Harder, Harrison, Henry, Hunn, Hunt, Jones, Kelley, Kenyon, Lawton, Lockwood, McDonald, Marshall, Meeker, Mesick, Newton, Nichols, Oakley, Parson, Peabody, Pearson, Perrin, Reno, Reymon, Reynolds, Roby, Rose, Salsbury, Smith, Spear, Stevens, Surdam, Taylor, Thayer, Totten, Tracy, Truesdell, Van Voast, Van Vechten, Vaughn, Webster, Wells, Westcott, White, Whitney, Wiesmer, Wooster, Wright

  • Church Records for Albany, Benton Center, Binghamton, Castile, Cazeniovia, Duanesburgh, Franklin, Middle Granville, Rushford, Watertown, Westfield, Worcester, Wyoming

  • Obituary and Marriage Records for Erie County. Some marriages (statewide) on pages 201 and 217. Some obituaries (statewide) on page 218.

  • Estates settled in Monroe County.

  • Index of Names

  • Church records from Albany, Friendship, Amenia, Cazenovia, Warwick, Gilead, Ballston Center, Providence, Geneva, Granville, Penn Yan and Poultney (at NY State border of Vermont).

  • Family records of Clinton, Collins, Congdon, Cummings, Easton, Hickcox, Lovejoy, McArthur, Merkle, Reed, Reynolds, Sawyer, Shell, Smith, Wire, Zimmerman

  • Marriages and Obituaries in Columbia County and Erie County newspapers

  • Estates settled in Monroe County

  • Tombstone inscriptions from cemeteries from Broome, Columbia, Dutchess, Erie, Lewis, Nassau, Oswego, Otsego, Putnam, Saratoga, Schuyler, Wayne, and Wyoming Counties

  • Other assorted names from "Mailbox"

Volume 8 - July 1941 - August 1941 - September 1941- October 1941 - November 1941 - December 1941 - January 1942 (Nos. 7-8) - March 1942 (Nos. 9-10) - May 1942 (Nos. 11-12)

Volume 9 - July 1942 (Nos. 1-2-3) - October 1942 (Nos. 4-5-6)


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