Early Western Travels, 1748-1846: A Series of Annotated Reprints of some of the best and rarest contemporary volumes of travel, descriptive of the Aborigines and Social and Economic Conditions in the Middle and Far West, during the Period of Early American Settlement, published in 1904 in 32 volumes including the index.
[Image: A view of the Rocky Mountains, from Early Western Travels Vol. 27]
Choose a volume: (See index in Volumes 31 & 32, below)
Volume 1 [Read] Letters and journals relating to tours into the western country.
Volume 2 [Read] Voyages and travels of an Indian interpreter and trader.
Volume 3 [Read] Travels West of the Alleghenies in 1793-1796 and 1802-1803.
Volume 4 [Read] Sketches of a tour of the western country, 1807-1809.
Volume 5 [Read] Travels in the Interior of America, 1809-1811 by John Bradbury.
Volume 6 [Read] Journal of an 1811 voyage up the Missouri River and Narrative of a voyage up the northwest coast 1811-1814.
Volume 7 [Read] Adventures of the first settlers of Oregon.
Volume 8 [Read] Travels of Tilly Buttrick, Jr. (182-1819), and a Pedestrious Tour of 4,000 miles in 1818.
Volume 9 [Read] Letters from America, observations on climate, manners of the people, etc.
Volume 10 [Read] Journal of Travels in Western Country 1818, Letters from Lexington, Letters from Illinois, Two years in the English settlement in Illinois country 1820-1821
Volume 11 [Read] Memorable days in America, journal of a tour in 1818-1819, part 1.
Volume 12 [Read] Memorable days in America, journal of a tour in 1818-1820, part 2, and a Visit to North America and the English settlements in Illinois, with a winter residence in Philadelphia.
Volume 13 [Read] Journal of Travels into Arkansas Territory
Volume 14 [Read] Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, Vol. 1
Volume 15 [Read] Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, Vol. 2
Volume 16 [Read] Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, Vol. 3
Volume 17 [Read] Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, Vol. 4
Volume 18 [Read] The Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie of Kentucky, 1905.
Volume 19 [Read] Letters from the West, Sketch of westward journey in 1827.
Volume 20 [Read] Gregg's Commerce of the Prairies.
Volume 21 [Read] A journey to Oregon by land, and a journey across the Rockies to the Columbia River.
Volume 22 [Read] Travels in the Interior of North America, Vol. 1
Volume 23 [Read] Travels in the Interior of North America, Vol. 2
Volume 24 [Read] Travels in the Interior of North America, Vol. 3
Volume 25 [missing]
Volume 26 [Read] The far west, a tour beyond the mountains, Letters and sketches of living among the Indian tribes of the Rocky mountains, Vol. 1
Volume 27 [Read] The far west, a tour beyond the mountains, Letters and sketches of living among the Indian tribes of the Rocky mountains, Vol. 2
Volume 28 [Read] Travels in the Great Western prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains, and Oregon Country.
Volume 29 [Read] Travels in the Great Western prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains, and Oregon Country, and Oregon Missions an travels over the Rockies.
Volume 30 [Read] Journal of Travels over the Rocky Mountains.
Volume 31 [Read] Index A-K (shown below)
Volume 32 [Read] Index L-Z (shown below)
Index letters A-K:
Index letters L-Z: