If you are researching early settlers of New Hampshire, you won't want to miss this series of books published between 1822 and 1824 by J. Farmer and E. B. Moore. He covered all the bases. See the contents below.

Collections, Topographical, Historical and Biographical, relating principally to New Hampshire, Edited by J. Farmer and J. B. Moore, 1822. Volume 1 [Read] Contents:
Historical sketches of Indian Wars, battles and exploits; of the adventures and sufferings of captives
Topographical descriptions of towns and places in New Hampshire, with their history, civil and ecclesiastical
Biographical memoirs and anecdotes of eminent and remarkable persons in New Hampshire, or who have had connection with its settlement and history
Statistical tables; tables of births, diseases and deaths
Meteorological observations, and facts relating to climate
Collections, Historical and Miscellaneous; and Monthly Literary Journal, Edited by J. Farmer and J. B. Moore, 1823. Volume 2 [Read] Contents:
Historical sketches of Indian Wars and of the sufferings of the captives
Civil, political and ecclesiastical history
Topographical sketches
Memoirs and anecdotes of eminent persons
Original communications on various subjects
Miscellaneous collections from American journals
Poetry...original and selected
Original letters; anecdotes, and curious fragments
Agricultural experiments and useful inventions
Statistical tables
Meteorological observations
Literary notices
Occurrences at home and abroad
Casualties and deaths
Collections, Historical and Miscellaneous, and Monthly Literary Journal, Edited by J. Farmer and J. B. Moore, 1824. Volume 3 [Read] Contents:
Historical sketches of Indian Wars and of the sufferings of the captives
Civil, political and ecclesiastical history
Topographical sketches
Memoirs and anecdotes of eminent persons
Original communications on various subjects
Miscellaneous collections from American journals
Poetry, original and selected
Original letters; anecdotes, and curious fragments
Agricultural experiments and useful inventions
Statistical tables
Literary notices
Casualties and deaths
