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Fishing for Tools (Charles Leonard) 1895

Updated: Feb 2, 2019

When searching newspapers for your ancestors, you'll find just how many people shared their name. There were many men who shared the name of my ancestor, "Charles Leonard".

Following is an article I found in the Cortland Standard. This could be referring to Charles Russell Leonard or his son, Charles L. Leonard.

"Fishing for Tools.
A party of fishermen, consisting of Chas. Leonard, Daniel Bouton, John Twentyman and Charles Groes have spent a day each week for several weeks past angling through the ice at Crooked lake. Although usually returning with a fine mess of fish they have had considerable bad luck in losing the utensils with which they cut the holes in the ice. This has proven rather expensive. They left this morning for their fishing grounds, but expected to spend most of the time angling for their lost tools."

A look at the 1892 New York State Census may help determine which "Chas. Leonard" the story is referring to. The census reveals a Daniel W. Bouton (born abt. 1854) living in Cortland, a John B. Twentyman (born abt. 1859) living in Cortland, and two different men named Charles "Gross" (born in 1853 and 1860) living in Cortland. Since Charles L. Leonard, son of Charles Russell Leonard, was born in 1858, I believe it was him who the article refers to. What are your thoughts?

For more information about Leonards, see the Leonard page. Click here for or more Notable News.


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