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Historical sketch of the German emperors and kings from 768 to 1888

Updated: Feb 2, 2019

Historical sketch of the German emperors and kings : explanatory of the portraits in the Emperor's Hall, by Johann Philipp Benkard, published 1906, can be viewed and searched online at, free of charge.

Containing historical and biographical sketches of:

  • Frankish Emperors and Kings. The Carlovingians.

  • Charles I., or Charlemagne (A.D. 768-814).

  • Lewis I., the Debonnaire (A.D. 814-840).

  • Lewis II., the German (A.D. 840-876).

  • Charles II. (III.), the Fat (A.D. 876-887).

  • Arnulph (A.D. 888-899).

  • Lewis III.. (IV.), the Child (A.D. 900-911).

  • Conrad I., (A.D. 911-918).

  • Saxon Emperors and Kings.

  • Henry I., the Fowler (A.D. 919-936).

  • Otto I., the Great (A.D. 936-973).

  • Otto II., the Red (A.D. 973-983).

  • Otto III., (A.D. 983-1002).

  • Henry II., the Saint (A.D. 1002-1024).

  • Frankish Emperors. The Salians.

  • Conrad II., the Salian (A.D. 1024-1039).

  • Henry III., the Black (A.D. 1039-1056).

  • Henry IV., (A.D. 1056-1106).

  • Henry V., (A.D. 1106-1125).

  • Lothar. (A.D. 1125-1137).

  • Swabian Emperors and Kings.

  • Conrad III., (A.D. 1138-1152).

  • Frederic I., Barbarossa (A.D. 1152-1190).

  • Henry VI., (A.D. 1190-1197).

  • Philip (A.D. 1197-1208).

  • Otto IV., of Brunswick (A.D. 1208-1218).

  • Frederic II., (A.D. 1218-1250).

  • The Interregnum. (A.D. 1250-1273).

  • Conrad IV., (A.D. 1250-1254).

  • William of Holland (A.D. 1250-1256).

  • Richard of Cornwall (A.D. 1257-1272).

  • Enzio (A.D. 1272).

  • Manfred (A.D. 1266).

  • Conradin (died at the age of 16).

  • Emperors and Kings of the Various Houses.

  • Rudolph I. (1273-1291).

  • Adolphus (A.D. 1292-1298).

  • Albert I., (1298-1308).

  • Henry VII., (1308-1313).

  • Frederic III., the Fair (1314-1330).

  • Louis IV. (III.), of Bavaria (1314-1347).

  • Guenther (1349).

  • Charles IV., (1349-1378).

  • Wenceslaus (1378-1400).

  • Rupper (1400-1410).

  • Sigismund (1411-1437).

  • House of Austria. Habsburg Line.

  • Albert II., (1437-1439).

  • Frederic III., (IV.) (1440-1493).

  • Maximillian I., (1493-1519).

  • Charles V., (1519-1558).

  • Fredinand I., (1558-1564).

  • Maximillian II., (1564-1576).

  • Rodolph II., (1576-1612).

  • Mathias (1612-1619).

  • Ferdinand II., (1619-1637).

  • Ferdinand III., (1637-1657).

  • Leopold I., (1658-1705).

  • Joseph I., (1705-1711).

  • Charles VI., (1711-1740).

  • Charles VII., of Bavaria (1742-1745).

  • House of Austria-Lorraine.

  • Francis I., (1745-1765).

  • JosephII., (1765-1790).

  • Leopold II., (1790-1792).

  • Francis II., (1792-1806). Laid down his imperial crown in 1806 and the empire technically ceased to exist again until 1871.

  • Germany's new era.

  • Wilhelm I., (1871-1888).

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