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Updated: Feb 2, 2019

An interesting article from the Review, Farmer Village, New York, 1888:

A prominent physician calls the kiss "an elegant disseminator of disease." He says, "fever is spread by it, so are lung diseases." He maintains that if the kissing custom were driven out of the land "it would save one-tenth of one percent of human lives", which are now sacrificed. Out upon the gnarled and sapless vagabond! Evidently kisses are not for such as he and the old fox says the grapes are sour. Let him devote himself to making our women healthy and blooming that kisses may be kisses. This can surely be done by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which is magical in its effect, upon all diseases peculiar to females. After taking it there will be no more irregularity, no more nervous prostration, no more general debility. All druggists. To regulate the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, Dr. Pierce's Pellets excel. 25 cents a vial; one a dose.

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