This 1882 letter, written in fountain pen, was found in an old box of papers my mother acquired somehow, probably at a yard sale or estate sale. The letter is intriguing with an embossed seal in the top left corner and a pretty decoration glued to the bottom, but what does it say? What language is this? If anyone can help, please comment!
** UPDATE! Mystery solved! See below. ***
UPDATE! A kind Reddit user, Fredelas, has translated the letter! (Thank you, Fredelas!)
In German:
Cincinnati den 1sten Januar 1882 Theuerste Eltern! Heute am ersten Tage dieses neuen Jahres, danke ich herzlich für die vielen Wohlthaten welche ich mein ganzes Leben von Ihnen empfangen habe ich will mich ernstlich bestreben Ihnen von nun an durch Fleiß Gehorsam und gutes Betragen recht viele Freude zu machen Möge euch der liebe Gott dazu stärken und möge er Ihnen liebste Eltern in diesem neuen Jahre recht viel Glück und Segen ve[r]leihen Dies wünscht von Herzen Euer dankbares Kind Elis. Ida Miller
In English:
Cincinnati - January 1, 1882 Dearest parents, Today, on the first day of this new year, I give heartfelt thanks for the many benefits which I've received from you my whole life. From now on, I earnestly want to strive to make you very happy through hard work, obedience, and good behavior. May the loving God strengthen you and may he grant you, beloved parents, lots of luck and blessings in this new year. With all my heart, Your grateful child, Elis. Ida Miller