If you're trying to locate information about your Dutch ancestors, you might fight these resources to be helpful. If you know of other resources for tracing Dutch heritage, please comment below.
DUTCH AMERICAN LOCAL HISTORY AND GENEALOGY: SELECTED TITLES AT THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, compiled by Lee V. Douglas, available in PDF format. The 48 page document gives a wealth of information about where to find records on Dutch immigrants to America. There are many books listed and you may find some of them online at Archive.org or Google Books.
Dutch Records of the Netherlands contains an extensive history of the Dutch in America.
A bibliographical and historical essay on the Dutch books and pamphlets relating to New-Netherland: and to the Dutch West-India Company and to its possessions in Brazil, Angola, etc. ; as also on the maps, charts etc. of New-Netherland, with facsimiles of the map of New-Netherland by N. I. Visscher and of the three existing views of New-Amsterdam, Published 1854.