This valuable list of settlers who arrived at Hartford prior to February of 1640 was written by Miss Mary K. Talcott. Following is a list of the settlers, of whom much more information is available in the book, "The Memorial History of Hartford County, Connecticut, 1633-1884", by J. Hammond Trumbull, 1886. [Link]
Note: Six of my known ancestors (on the Harvey branch) were original proprietors of Hartford. They are indicated in red. Click the name to learn more about them.
Jeremy Adams
Matthew Allyn
Francis Andrews (Wm. Andrews)
John Arnold
Andrew Bacon
John Barnard
Thomas Barnes
Robert Bartlett
John Baysey (or Baisie)
Thomas Beal
Nathaniel Bearding (or Bardon)
Mary Betts (widow)
John Bidwell (or Biddle)
Richard Billing
Thomas Birchwood (or Birchard)
Peter Blachford (or Blatchford/Blackfield)
Thomas Blackley (or Blatchley/Blacksley)
Thomas Bliss Sr & Jr
William Blumfield
James Bridgeman (not an original proprietor)
John Bronson (or Brownson/Brunson)
Richard Bronson (brother of John)
Capt. Thomas Bull
Thomas Bunce
Benjamin Burr
Dea. Richard Butler
William Butler
Clement Chaplin (or Chaplain, returned to England)
Dorothy Chester (widow of John Chester, sister of Thomas Hooker)
Richard Church (removed to Hadley in 1659)
John Clarke
Nicholas Clarke
James Cole
Sergeant William Cornwall
John Crow
Capt. John Cullick
Philip Davis
Fulke Davy
Robert Day
Nicholas Desborough
Dea. Joseph Easton
William Edwards
Edward Elmer
Nathaniel Ely
James Ensign (also spelled Ensing)
Zachary Field
Thomas Fisher
John Friend
Samuel Gardiner (or Gardner)
Daniel Garrett
Samuel Garrett (or Garrard/Garwood)
John Gennings
William Gibbons
Dea. Richard Goodman
Elder William Goodwin
Ozias Goodwin
Seth Grant
George Grave
Bartholomew Green (died before arrival)
Samuel Greenhill
Thomas Gridley
Samuel Hale (or Hales)
Thomas Hale (John Hale)
John Hall
Stephen Hart
William Hayden (Heaton)
Hon. John Haynes
Rev. John Higginson
William Hills
John Holloway
William Holton (or Holten/Houghton)
Rev. Thomas Hooker
Gov. Edward Hopkins
John Hopkins
Thomas Hosmer
George Hubbard
Thomas Hungerford (or Hungerfoot)
William Hyde (or Hide)
Jonathan Ince (Jonas)
Thomas Judd
Ralph Keeler
Nathaniel Kellogg
William Kelsey
Edward Lay (Leary)
William Lewis
Thomas Lord
Thomas Lord Jr.
Richard Lord
Richard Lyman
John Marsh
Matthew Marvin
Reinold Marvin (Mann)
John Maynard
John Morris (or Morrice)
Benjamin Munn
Thomas Munson
Joseph Mygatt
Thomas Olcott (or Alcott)
Dr. John Olmstead (or Holmstead)
Capt. Richard Olmstead (or Holmstead)
William Pantry (or Peyntre)
William Parker
Dea. Paul Peck
William Phillips
Thomas Porter
Stephen Post
John Pratt
William Pratt
John Purchas (or Purkas)
Nathaniel Richards
Thomas Richards
Richard Risley (or Wrisley)
Thomas Root
William Ruscoe (or Reskoe/Rescue - possibly related to Mercy Ruscoe?)
John sable
Thomas Scott
Thomas Selden
John Skinner
Arthur Smith (possibly related to Agnes Smith or Margaret Smyth?)
Giles Smith
Serg. Thomas Spencer
William Spencer
John Stanley
Thomas Stanley
Timothy Stanley
Thomas Stanton (possibly related to Benjamin Stanton?)
Dea. Edward Stebbins
George Steele
John Steele
John Stone
Rev. Samuel Stone
John Talcott
Nathaniel Wade (or Ward)
Henry Wakely (or Walkley)
Andrew Warner
John Warner
Richard Watts (Wm Watts)
Richard Webb
William Westley
William Westwood
Elder John White
Samuel Whitehead
Maj. William Whiting
John Wilcock (or Wilcox)
Gregory Woltherton (or Wiltherton)
Thomas Woodford
Gov. George Wyllys (possibly related to Temperance Willis?)