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The Lumbert Murder in Rose, New York, 1891

Updated: Aug 29, 2021

130 years ago this February, there was a murder in the small town of Rose, Wayne County, New York.

The town of Rose was first settled in 1805 when it was in the Town of Wolcott. Wolcott was divided to form Rose in 1826. At various times, Rose was called Valentine, Albion, and Rose Valley. When the 2010 census was taken, only 2,369 people (646 families) were counted as living there.

Common causes for murders of the day were property disputes, jealousy, or robbery but none of those was the cause for the rage that led to a son taking his father's life in a bloody and brutal attack.

My knowledge of the Lumbert murder began when I found my 3rd great-grandfather on the 1892 census in a place relatively far from where he had spent most of his life. He was with a new family in Rose, New York, 55 miles from Groton, his former home. His new "wife" was Luella and he lived with three of her children from her first marriage, and her mother, Betsy Lumbert. What happened here? Why did he move so far? This will be discussed further in my next blog, but for now, let's talk about the Lumbert family.

Luella Schriver (or Scriber) was a daughter of Betsy Austin and Benjamin Schriver. She was born in 1850 but her marriage ended early as Betsy and her 4-month old baby were living with Betsy's brother, Morton Austin, in Springport, Cayuga County, New York, in 1850. I haven't researched Benjamin's fate or identity, but Betsy was remarried to William LUMBERT, probably between 1852 and 1854.

When the census was taken in 1860, Betsey and Luella were living with William LUMBERT in Savannah, Wayne County, New York. Betsey was 29 (est. birth 1831) and William was 39 (est. birth 1821). Children in the home were: Ella LUMBERT (age 10, a.k.a. Luella SCHRIVER), Benjamin LUMBERT (age 7, likely also SCHRIVER), William LUMBERT (age 6), Mary LUMBERT (age 3), and Charles LUMBERT (age 9 months). Note: It appears this Charles LUMBERT may have died young, because when the census was taken ten years later in 1870, Charles LUMBERT's age is given as 2 years old. If it were the same Charles, he would have been 10 in 1870.

Before I continue, I'd like to note that the ages of these family members vary greatly from census to census and cannot be relied upon for calculating the ages. Still, the census records do provide some evidence to clear up conflicting data. For example, on Luella's grave, her birth date is given as 1851, however, because she was counted on the 1850 census, we know for a fact that the date on her grave is wrong.

In 1870, William LUMBERT, age 36 (est. birth 1834) and Betsey LUMBERT, age 35 (est. birth 1835) were counted on the census in Rose, eleven miles northwest of Savannah. Children in the home were: Benjamin LUMBERT (age 17), William LUMBERT (age 14), Mary J. LUMBERT (age 13), George LUMBERT (age 8), and Charles LUMBERT (age 2). Luella wasn't in the home because she was married abt. 1864 to William KNAPP and living in Groton with three children.

This map from the Wayne County Atlas, 1874, shows exactly where they lived, in the top left corner of the map.

The Lumbert family lived on what is known today as High Street, half way between Catchpole Road and Wayne Center-Rose Road, on the west side of the street. Here in this interactive Google map street view, the home would have been on the right side of the road somewhere here:

The 1900 map below was found in “Rose Neighborhood Sketches” by Alfred S. Rowe, 1893, which gives brief mention of the incident on pages 187-188 as follows:

A trifle north of the foot of the hill, on the west side, is the humble habitation of William Lumbert, who came to these parts from Cayuga county. His family lives in two houses, not because his children are so numerous, though he has several, but because the buildings are so small. (Mr. Lumbert was killed by his son, George, Feb. 16, 1891. For this crime the son was sentenced to life imprisonment.) 

The map was published in the same book, showing the location of Lumbert's home:

In 1880, Betsey & James Lumbert were still living in Rose (Wayne County). James was a Day Laborer reportedly born in Illinois while his parents were born in New York. Betsey's age was given as 50 and James' as 60. Only one child remained in the home, Charles Lumbert, age 13. George A. LUMBERT (age 17, est. birth 1863) was living as "servant" in the home of Samuel and Margaret Converse in nearby Galen (Wayne County), and working as a farm laborer.

Wayne County's 1885 State Census is not available as far as I know, and the 1890 census was destroyed by fire, so there is a period of 11 years we cannot find the family on the census. In local newspapers, however, we can fill in some of these blanks. We learn that Charles Lumbert had his own home about three quarters of a mile from his parents by 1891 and George, whose real name was Amasa, went out west in the 1880s. He came back a changed man, according to those who knew him - and not for the better.

The next census found was the 1892 New York State Census, taken in February. At that time Betsy was living in Rose, presumably in the same home. In the home was her daughter, Luella, and three of Luella's children: Sophronia KNAPP (16), Murray KNAPP (12), and Malvina KNAPP (9). Luella reported having been married to Charles Leonard for seven years and he was head of the household. (You can see that census here). But where was James Lumbert? From local newspapers, it was shocking to learn that he died in February, 1891, at the hand of his son, George (Amasa) Lumbert. Following are some of the articles written about the horrific circumstances.

The story in the Oswego Daily Times, Feb. 18, 1891, states that during the trial, which had taken place earlier that day, evidence such as an ax, three sticks of fire wood, a shirt, a vest, a knife, a broom and a pair of pantaloons were brought in. The story continues here:

W.D. Saunders of Palmyra stated that he was a stenographer and that he took the last confession made by the defendant, being requested by him to do so. His testimony was the same as what Deputy Sheriff Collins gave yesterday, except that Lumbert also claimed that he was influenced by his step-sister, Mrs. Sophronia Leonard*, to commit the crime. [*I believe this was Ms. Sophronia Knapp, daughter of Luella, using her stepfather's name].

Jefferson Morey of Clyde testified that he was driving to his home in Rose on February 17, 1891, and that he met Geo. Lumbert on the road and gave him a ride to Rose, reaching there about noon.

The different articles found in the house where the murder was committed were retained in evidence.

Edson W. Hamm, attorney for Lumbert, then made an address asking for the discharge of the prisoner, stating that the evidence shown was not enough to hold him. He also said that until several years ago Lumbert was an intelligent young man, until the time that he contracted a disease which left him insane. The motion was denied.

The first witness sworn for the defense was William Lumbert of Rose, a brother of the defendant. He stated that until three years ago his brother George was a peaceable agreeable and hard-working young man, and after that he did not act like his former self.

Frederick Ream of Rose, stated that he had lived near the Lumberts for several years and knew the defendant to be a good, industrious young man until the latter part of the year 1890 when he noticed a change in him. Lumbert came to his home about this time and told him his relatives were putting up a job on him at home and that he was afraid to stay there and asked the witness if he would allow him to remain at his home that night. He also said that he believed that George was insane. He told the murdered man of the occurrence and was in turn told the latter did not consider that his son was in his right mind and laid the cause of it to the medicine which George was at that time taking.

Mrs. Betsy Lumbert was sworn and said that she was the mother of the defendant and that up to three years ago, when George had gone to Michigan, he was industrious and kind of particular about his personal appearance. She had noticed a change in him two years ago. He had formerly been a sensible conversationalist, but his conversation and actions suddenly became silly. He continued this way until the time that the murder was committed.

James J. Dodds, of Rose, stated that he had known the defendant for eighteen years and had employed him on different occasions and always found his work satisfactory. He also remarked the change in George about the year 1890 and on one occasion the defendant told him that he believed that his parents and the doctors were putting up a job on him.
Orrin B. Carpenter of Rose, was sworn and stated that he had known George for twelve years. He also noticed a change in him about two years ago.

Mrs. Ida M. Lumbert stated that she was the wife of Charles H. Lumbert, a brother of the defendant, and that George came to her home about ten days before the murder and coming into the room where she and her sister, Mrs. Mary J. Hapeman, were sitting, he drew a razor and asked his sister to allow him to cut her throat with it. The witness grabbed the razor, when George asked her to cut his throat. He also drew a revolver, which the two women took away from him. He requested them to return the razor and revolver and when they asked him what he intended doing with them, he answered: “To raise hell with them.” She also stated that she had been married twice. Her first husband deserted her six years ago and she believed that he was dead. She married Charles H. Lumbert three years ago.

Dr. Marcus J. Williams of Rose stated that he had examined George and did not believe that he was afflicted with the disease which his counsel claimed he had contracted. Dr. James W. Putnam of this village stated that he believed that he had treated the defendant at the Wayne county almshouse in 1888, for the disease referred to, and that his patient apparently improved while under his care.

Mrs. Jane Hapeman swore that she was also the sister of the defendant and that he had one occasion asked her if the top of his head had not blown off, also if his face was not black. On another occasion he threw all of the furniture out …and her father had…claimed Lumbert was afflicted often affected his brain. The counsel read to the witness a hypothetical question, which was a review of the testimony given regarding the actions, sayings, etc, of the defendant before the night of the tragedy and of the way in which he confessed to have committed the deed, etc. He then asked the witness whether she considered such a man sane or insane. The witness replied, “Insane”.

The court adjourned at 6 p.m. until nine o’clock tomorrow morning. Rochester Herald.

The Daily News, Batavia, New York, Thursday Evening, February 19, 1891, provides more details:

Particulars of the Killing of Old Man Lumbert in Wayne County.

Rose, N.Y., Feb. 19 - The murder of James William Lumbert, the farm laborer who was found dead in his door yard at Worden's Corners, near here Tuesday afternoon, has created an immense amount of excitement. Lumbert was born in Vermont and was a stone cutter by trade, but for thirty years he had lived in this town, working as a wood chopper and farm laborer. His family, beside  his wife Betsy, consists of Benjamin, aged 38, of Chicago; William, aged 33; Mary, 29; Amasa, 26; and Charles, 23, all of Rose. The daughter is married, her named being Leonard. Amasa is known in the neighborhood as "George."

On Sunday, it is said, a family quarrel took place and George turned his mother out of doors, she taking refuge with her son Charles, leaving the old man and George alone in the house. Tuesday afternoon Charles went to the house (this being the first time any of the family went there since Sunday) to see how George and his father were getting along. he found his father murdered and his brother missing. 

Yesterday, Amasa, or George, Lumbert, was arrested, charged with killing his father, and committed to jail. Blood was found on his clothing. He is partially demented and has been an inmate of an insane asylum."

From the Syracuse Weekly Express, Thursday, February 26, 1891:

Lyons, Feb. 25 (1891) -- Until Wednesday when George Lumbert was brought here by one of Sheriff George W. Knowles's Deputies and lodged in the county jail, few authentic details of the murder of William E. Lumbert had been learned in this village. Owing, to the out-of-the-way place in which it occurred it was many hours after the discovery of the murder before the officers of the law were notified to the crime.

About one-half or three-fourths of a mile off the main road which runs from Rose Valley to Lyons stands a little weather-beaten one-story board house. The upright part of the house fronts the road. There are two rooms in it. One the south side is a little wing or shed. In this shed the cooking and housework is done. The front room of the house was occupied by the old couple as a living and sleeping room and in the room back of it George slept. There is no chimney on the house, but a length of stovepipe rises the roof of the shanty. Only a few boards remain on the fences about the house, which looked bleak and drear enough last evening.

The road near which the house stands is known as the swamp road and it is all that the name implies. It would be hard to imagine a more lonely spot. At about a mile from the main road the swamp road enters a long strip of wood. About a quarter of a mile further on and near the edge of the woods stands another shanty, new and more pretentious than the Lumbert house. The Lumbert family consisted of William E. Lumbert, the father, aged seventy-two years, his wife, aged sixty-one, and George Lumbert, their son, who will be twenty-seven years old in April. 

Notwithstanding his advanced age, Mr. Lumbert was able to do a good day's work at chopping wood in the winter or on the farm in the summer. For the last two years George has done little or no work. His father and mother frequently upbraided him for his laziness. He became very irritable of late when spoken to about it and after quarrelling with the old folks would leave home and be gone from three days to as many weeks, no one knowing anything of his whereabouts in the meantime. Two years ago he returned home from three years' wandering in the West, the greater part of which time was spent in the pineries of Michigan, where he associated with dissolute women, who it is notorious, infest the lumber camps. While there he contracted a loathsome disease from which he has ever since suffered. This fact together with his love of whiskey perhaps made him physically unfit for work and may have impaired his mind. Some time ago he spent several months in the County House near this place. He ran away last summer and returned to his home. The keeper of the County House believes he is demented.

On Monday at 11 A.M. Mrs. William E. Lumbert, widow of the murdered man, left her home and crossed the fields to the west of their home, about three-quarters of a mile, to another road, where her son Charles lives. She had left behind her at the little shanty her husband and their son George. As she had often done before, she remained overnight at her son Charles. Tuesday afternoon about 1 o'clock, having little else to do at this season of the year, Charles walked across the swamp to his parent's house to see how his father and brother were getting along. He found the house deserted. Blood was spattered all over the floor, walls and bed of the front room of the house. The bed in which the old man Lumbert slept had not been disturbed, showing that he had not slept in it Monday night. The covering of George's bed was thrown back and the bed bore appearances of having been occupied during the preceding night. Neither George nor his father was anywhere to be seen. A bloody trail led out through the back door of the house, through a fence about forty or fifty feet into a lot that adjoins the one on which the house stands. There, lying on the snow, his head covered with blood which had matted his hair so that it was frozen to the ground and icy snow, was the dead body of his father. Chunks of earth and frozen snow adhered to the hair and head was extricated with difficulty. The body was removed to the shanty, the neighbors notified and word was finally telegraphed to Coroner Yorke of Palmyra, who went to the scene of the murder, impaneled a jury, and viewing the remains, adjourned the inquest until Friday.

An axe covered with blood and hair was found behind the door in the rear room of the house. On a chair near the stove in the front room of the house was found a razor covered with blood. 

When the Coroner's jury had viewed the body the Coroner gave permission to have it removed to the house of William, another son living near Rose Valley. Tuesday night and Wednesday search was made through the woods, swamp and barns for George Lumbert on the theory that he had killed his father and probably committed suicide. The bloody razor was thought to indicate suicide. Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock as a posse, under direction of ex-Deputy Sheriff George Jeffers of Rose Valley, returned from a search of the woods, Jeffers discovered George Lumbert walking up and down the road in front of Lumbert house. Jeffers seized Lumbert, and told him that while he had no legal papers yet, he would put him under arrest for killing his father. Lumbert coolly denied all knowledge of the death of his father. He was taken to Rose Valley, and locked up in Pimm's Hotel, under custody of a Constable.

Late Wednesday Lumbert was arraigned before Justice Osgood at Rose Valley charged with murder in the first degree. He pleaded not guilty and was held for future examination. That night he was taken to the county jail. At Rose Valley, in searching George Lumbert, the dead man's son, showed three longitudinal cuts on the top of the head, nearly an inch apart, and running parallel with each other. The length of the cuts corresponds to the length of an ordinary axe blade. The cut on the right side exposes the brain. On the back of the head and running across from ear to ear is a frightful gash, which cuts the head nearly half in two and also exposes the brain. On his forehead above, and the cheek below the left eye are bruised and blackened lumps. There are no other marks or bruises anywhere and the face wore a peaceful expression. A stick of stove wood was found in the middle of the floor in the front room of the house.

George Lumbert was seen at the county jail Wednesday night by an Express representative. He is of medium height, slight build and appeared sick and nervous. He said he was born near Clyde and would be twenty-seven years old next April. The greater part of his life had been spent in Rose Valley and his parents had occupied the house on the swamp road for twenty years. He told of his life in the Michigan pineries, and when asked if he had been treated at the County House for insanity replied emphatically that he had not, but that he went there to receive better medical treatment than was obtainable at home and that he went away when he believed he had improved sufficiently. He had suffered more from his ailment for the last two weeks than ever before. 

"When did you leave your home, Lumbert?" was asked.
"Monday afternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock."
"Why did you leave?"
"Well, my folks were poor and had a hard time to get along, and I thought I'd go away."
"Where did you propose to go?"
"I thought I would go down to Pennsylvania."
"When did you return to the house?"
"This afternoon about 2 o'clock."
"Why did you return?"
"Well, I don't know. I thought I'd come back."
"Was it not a little strange that you, after having stayed at home for two years, should start out for Pennsylvania when you were sicker than you had ever been before, and that you should change your mind after the first night and return home again?"
"Well, maybe it was."
"Have you not quarreled with your family because they asked you to go to work?"
"No, not much."
"Haven't they complained because you did not go to work?"
"Yes, they have."
"Then you never quarreled with your family?"
"No, sir."
"You still deny that you killed your father?"
"Yes, sir.”
"How do you account for the blood stains on your shirt?"
"I had the nose bleed on the way to the schoolhouse near Clyde."
"I cannot tell you the exact spot."

Mrs. Lumbert, the widow, was so overcome that she could do nothing last evening but sob and moan. Notwithstanding the poverty of the family, the interior of the little shanty and Mrs. Lumbert's personal appearance showed that she is a neat and thrifty housekeeper. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the house of William Lumbert. Burial was made in Rose Valley.

Late Wednesday The Express's correspondent had another interview with Lumbert in his cell at the jail and the prisoner made the following voluntary confession:

"Three or four weeks ago I quarreled with my father because he misused my mother. Our relations were anything but amicable and my father had repeatedly threatened to have me arrested if I did not leave the house. I refused to go away and we had frequent quarrels. Monday evening I sat in the room with my father. He faced the south and I the east. We had some hot words about my mother. At length he lost control of himself and came for me with his fists. I thought he was going to kill me. He struck at me several times, but I parried the blows. I did not strike back at him, but tried only to keep him away and to defend myself. Then he seized a hot stove lid from the front part of the cooking stove, but it slipped out of his hand before he could throw it at me."

Here Lumbert broke down and declared this was the last time he saw his father alive. When asked if he did not kill his father his eyes flashed with the expression of a maniac, and, assuming a threatening position, he angrily said:
"No, I did not kill him."

He was told by the correspondent that everybody was certain that he had committed the crime, and that every circumstance pointed to him as the murderer. Being convinced of the futility of his denial, he suddenly drew himself up at full length and said very positively:
"Yes, I did kill my father."

He then went on with the confession and said: "I was sitting near the stove on the wood box with my head to the east when the stove lid dropped from my father's hand. I grabbed a piece of fire wood and hit him three or four times in the face. He fell to the floor. I took hold of the body and made for the door. As I dragged him out through the woodshed I seized the axe, which lay near the door, and dragging him out into the back yard, completed the crime with the axe. How many times I struck him with it I do not know, but I certainly hit him a number of blows. I then went into the house, washed my hands and went away. I stayed there about twenty minutes. I walked all night Monday and until Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, when I struck a little brick schoolhouse where I passed the night. I then changed my mind and decided to return to Rose. I went to the house where I gave myself up."

GEORGE A.J. LUMBERT. His X mark. Signed in the presence of Fred M. Kreutzer. Dated, Lyons, February 19th, 1891, at 12 o'clock noon.

The Clyde Democratic Herald, Tuesday, February 16, 1892, informs of the following:

ON TRIAL FOR MURDER - The Lumber Murder Case Begun at Lyons yesterday.
George A. Lumbert of Rose, N.Y., was placed on trial for his life at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon in court of oyer and terminer at Lyons before Judge William H. Adams, for the murder of his father, Wm. E. Lumbert, on the night of February 16, 1891. Edgar W. Hamm, of Lyons, represents the prisoner, and District Attorney S. Nelson Sawyer the people. Lumbert appeared in court neatly attired in a new suit of clothes, furnished him by the sheriff, and looks as though his confinement of a year had agreed with him. He has the appearance of a dull, simple-minded person. He is 28 years of age. The work of empaneling a jury out of a panel of fifty extra jurors together with the regular panel of thirty-six, was at once begun. The entire extra panel was challenged by Mr. Hamm. Twenty-four jurors were sworn, out of which six qualified as follows. "James Parish, farmer, Butler; George Bridger, farmer, Sodus; Jas. Harlow, farmer, Macedon; George Swading, mason, Walworth; Philip Wadsworth, farmer, South Butler; Erastus L House, clerk, Ontario. The court then adjourned until  o'clock this morning. The defense will undoubtedly be insanity, and a great deal of expert testimony will be offered on both sides.

From The Weekly Gleaner, Thursday, February 25, 1892:

Lumbert Found Guilty. 
Lyons, N.Y., Feb. 20. - The jury last night rendered a verdict in the Lumbert murder trial, finding George A. Lumbert guilty of murder in the second degree. In reply to the question asked by the clerk, Lumbert stated that he thought he was about 28 years of age, was unable to read or write, and had never received religious instructions.

A follow up story in the Weekly News and Democrat, March 2, 1892:

Lumbert Arrives - The Lyons Murderer Comes to Auburn to Stay.
George A. Lumbert was received at the prison Thursday to serve a life sentence having been convicted of murder in the second degree. Lumbert is from Wayne County and the crime for which he was sentenced was the killing of his father, a man 75 years old, in the town of Rose, Feb. 16th, 1891. The case was tried at Lyons and was one of the most interesting in the history of the county. Previous to the trial Lumbert made two confessions to newspaper men, in one of which he said that his step-sister urged him to kill his father. The defense on the trial was insanity. It was brought out during testimony that Lumbert and his father were alone in the kitchen of their home. The father was busy about the stove when he was suddenly struck in the head by his son with a piece of kindling wood. The old man ran out doors and the son followed him, picking up a broom as he ran. With that he struck the old man and knocked him down and continued beating him until he was unconscious. Not content with this the fiend went to the woodshed and got an axe and crushed the old man’s skull. The son had become smeared with blood and washing his hands he started away from the scene of the crime. He did not go far and the next day he returned to Rose and gave himself up. Sheriff Thornton who brought Lumbert to prison this morning says that Lumbert has been an easy man to manage and has given no trouble at all.

It was reported that George died the following year in prison. This news was from the Buffalo Evening News, Thursday, September 28, 1893:

Lyons- George A. Lumbert who murdered his father, James William Lumbert, near Rose Valley February 17, 1891, and after trial was sentenced to Auburn prison for life, died there yesterday. He escaped being electrocuted though a please of insanity.

However, the following day, The Auburn Bulletin (Fri., Sept 29, 1893), set the record straight:

A False Report About a Wayne County Murderer.
George A. Lumbert, a convict at the prison who is serving a life sentence for the murder of his father near the village of Rose, Wayne county, was reported dead by relatives in that vicinity. Lumbert is about work as usual this morning. Lumbert is not even an inmate of the hospital and is in good health. The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle yesterday printed the following from a Lyons correspondent:

"Charles H. Lumbert, of Rose, has received information from the prison authorities at Auburn, that his brother, George A. Lumbert, who was serving out a life sentence for the murder of his father, William Lumbert, had died in that institution. It will be remembered that on February 18, 1891, William Lumbert, an old man over 70 years of age, living on a by road three miles west of the hamlet of Rose Valley was found murdered, lying in an orchard a few rods distant from his home, his head being cut open with an axe. The discovery was made by Charles H. Lumbert, a son of the murdered man about four hours after the terrible deed had been committed. The house in which Mr. Lumbert and his son, George A. resided was a mere hovel with only two rooms in it. The principal room in the house was found besmeared with blood, the furniture broken to pieces and all surroundings showed that the murdered man had made a desperate fight for life. On a shelf in the room was found a razor covered with blood and in the woodshed was found an ax covered with blood and hair. The old man lived with his wife and son, George A. Lumbert. The former was away at the time, and the son was suspected as the guilty party. An organized body of armed men began to scour the country for the purpose of securing the murderer. In the afternoon of that day John L. Lyman, a constable of the town of Rose, met the son on his premises talking in an incoherent manner and walking aimlessly around, his clothing bespattered with blood. Lumbert alleged that he had been killing chickens. Lyman arrested him. A (coroner's inquest was held over the remains of the father Rose and the son was held for the murder. He was taken before the next grand jury and although he pleaded not guilty, was indicted. At the term of circuit court and court of oyer and terminer which convened in Lyons February 17, 1892, Lumbert was placed on trial; was convicted of murder in the second degree and sentenced to Auburn prison for life. This trial cost the county of Wayne over $3,000. On Wednesday, February 24, Lumbert was taken to Auburn and nothing was heard of him again until the news reached this village yesterday that he had died in prison." 

No other mention or record of George Lumbert's death has been found, however. The Auburn Prison records indicate he was "transferred to the asylum", with no further notes.

Charles Leonard died on November 23, 1908 and Luella remarried to Benjamin Wilson in April of 1910. She died on February 4, 1912, predeceasing her 88-year old mother by 44 days.

The Groton and Lansing Journal, March 20, 1912, announced Betsey Lumbert's death:

Betsey Lumbert Dead. 
The death of Mrs. Betsey Lumbert, aged about 88 years, occurred at the home of her son, Charles Lumbert, of this place on Friday, and the funeral was held from the residence at 2 o'clock on Monday. She leaves two sons, one of Groton and one of Auburn, and one daughter of North Wolcott.

The "daughter of North Wolcott" mentioned in her obituary was Mary Jane (Lumbert) Sebring Hapeman, who lived from 1867 to 1922.

Betsey is buried in Groton Rural Cemetery, in the same section where Charles Leonard and Luella are also buried (Section N Lot 62). According to her Findagrave memorial, she was born Feb. 14, 1824.

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