Schlicher's Bridge, also known as the Game Preserve Road Bridge, is one of several covered bridges which weave around Jordan Creek giving the locals access to neighboring communities. Located in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania, (North Whitehall Township), it was built in 1882, and was in operation for 128 years before it was closed in 2010 after it was found to be sagging. It remained unused until 2014 when it was reconstructed at a cost of $1.8 million dollars. The new bridge is longer, wider, and stronger than the original single-span wood-truss bridge, but remains covered. Like all covered bridges in Pennsylvania, Schlicher's Covered Bridge is on the National Register of Historic Places. This one is located at the scenic Trexler Nature Preserve and Lehigh Valley Zoo. These photos were taken in July of 2013, before the renovations were started. Check back for an updated video featuring the new bridge!
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