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Tour of Willet Cemetery

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

In a small country town in the heart of New York, is the town of Willet. Settled in 1797, the town was formed from Cincinnatus in 1818. Cincinnatus was a part of the Central New York Military Tract, bounty land awarded to the soldiers of the American Revolution. Certainly a great number of descendants of the brave patriots who freed our country from Great Britain's authority still live in the area today.

During a recent trip, I recorded this video featuring just a few of the beautiful monuments erected in memory of the early settlers of this place. Three of my known ancestors are buried in Willet Cemetery: Nicholas Hollenbeck, his wife Lucy (Shevalier) Hollenbeck, and Lucy's mother, Joanna (Huntley) Shevalier Campbell. UPDATE: After this initial visit, I discovered that Nicholas's parents, John & Hannah (Conrad) Hollenbeck, are also buried there. See photos from my return visit here.


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